memories of the ’70s – Adidas gym bag

Girls have many options for carrying their stuff – from purses to messenger bags, from hobo bags to backpacks. For guys of the 1970s, it was the Adidas gym bag. This simple bag carried everything for school.

Most guys I knew had this bag – in combinations of red/blue, blue/dark blue, yellow/blue, brown/white and green/blue.

Simple in its design , the bag sported one zipper and no pockets of any form. It had a small area to put your name and the Adidas logo on the side. It was the carry-all that all guys seem to want – easy to use, stuff it in and you’re on the go – whether its to carry to school or throw in the back of your buddy’s car. It may have been a trend that came from the athletes of the school, but it wasn’t just their option – every guy seemed to have a version of this bag, ready for lunch, snacks, clothes, binders and books.

I never wanted this bag. I didn’t think it was stylish or feminine. It wasn’t in colours I liked or in an acceptable size for my use. But somehow its simplicity was a favourite amongst guys, who don’t really discuss the bag in any way the way a girl would talk about her purse.

Adidas, a venerable German sportswear company, has been creating sportswear since the late 1940s and has been favourite amongst athletes for its stylish and practical shoes, clothing and accessories. But in the 1970s, this simple athletic bag became the go to option for teen boys, a fashionable trend spoken about by women, but created by men.

About Waheeda Harris

A pop culture junkie with a penchant for exploring our planet.
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